Game Window

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Game Window

In the Game Window you can replay games. The Board Window on the left shows the current position of the game. The Notation Window on the right shows the notation of the game you have loaded, with the current move marked by a dark cursor. Use the List Window to load a game.




Replaying with the keyboard

Arrow-right: one move forward;

Arrow-left: one move backward;

Arrow-down: one line downward;

Arrow-up: one line upward;

Home: beginning of game;

End: end of game;

Space: start/stop automatic replay.


Select Variation


Replaying with the mouse

Directly below the board there are four buttons, with which you can play through the moves forwards and backwards:

Left button: beginning of game;

Second button: one move backward;

Third button: one move forward;

Right button: end of game.


You can also replay the game with the Controls at the top.


At the bottom of the NotationWindow the following information is displayed:

The first section shows the number of white and black men, the number of white and black kings, and the tempo difference.

The second section is used when you enter moves with the keyboard.

The third section shows the name of the database to which the game belongs.

The fourth section shows the game number in the database.


At the top of the Notation Window the game data is displayed: the players, the tournament, the date and the result.


Board Window

Notation Window

Engine Window

Book Window

Endgame Window

Reference Window

Search Result Window

Create Layout