Notation Window Context Menu

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Notation Window Context Menu

Notation Window | right-click




Swap Variations

Displays the Swap Variations dialog box to change the order of variations.

Promote Variation

The current variation is promoted to the next-higher level, and the variation there becomes the sub variation.


Displays the Notation Window Delete Context Menu to select the annotation you want to delete.

Text Before Move

Displays the Text Before Move dialog box to enter text to be displayed before the move.

Text After Move

Displays the Text After Move dialog box to enter text to be displayed after the move.


Displays the Notation Window Style Context Menu to set a move style.


Displays the Notation Window Value Context Menu to set a move value.

Set Prefix

Displays the Notation Window Prefix Context Menu to set a move prefix.

Special Annotation

Displays the Notation Window Special Annotation Context Menu to insert medals, critical positions and piece path.

Insert Diagram

To insert a diagram at the current location.

Choose Font

To set the font type and size used in the Notation Window.


Closes the Notation Window.