Text Commentary

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Text Commentary

Notation Window | right-click | Text After Move

Notation Window | right-click | Text Before Move


Use this dialog box to enter text after or before the move.




You can also double-click a move to display this dialog box.

If a move already has text after the move you can also double-click this text.

If a move already has text before the move you can also double-click this text.


An editor appears in which you can type a text of any length. Most of the Windows edit commands are available. For instance you can use the cursor keys, Ctrl-X to cut, Ctrl-C to copy, Ctrl-V to paste. It is also possible to cut a text from a different source, e.g. a word processor, and paste it into the game. Enter inserts a new paragraph. You leave the editor by clicking Ok or pressing Alt-0.


When adding text commentary you should specify the language you are writing in. This determines whether the commentary is displayed in the notation or not (see Options). The language is set at the top of the annotation window: “All” is for neutral commentary which will always appear, “Eng” is English, “Deu” is German, “Fra” is French, “Esp” is Spanish, “Ita” is Italian, “Ned” is Dutch, “Por” is Portuguese.


Link to website

You can include a link to a website. This link looks like this:

<a href="https://www.tdambase.com">Turbo Dambase</a>


You have to type a link to a website yourself.

If you double-click on the link in the Notation Window, the default browser is started and shows you the website.


Link to other game

You can include a link to another game. This link looks like this:

<a href="{327D0F9E-419E-44B1-93E8-A7F82948ADFE}">Beeke,Henk - van Dijk,Geert, NLD-ch 1963</a>


In this case the href is not a website but a GUID. Every game in the Mege Database has a unique GUID.

You don't have to type a link to another game yourself. Just go to the game list, select the game you want to link to, then right-click and choose Game Link to Clipboard. Now you can paste that link into the Text Comment dialog box.

In the Notation Window it looks like this:



If you double-click on the game link in the Notation Window the game will be searched. The program first searches the game in the opened database. If it cannot find the game it searches the reference database. If it finds the game it is displayed. At the bottom of the Notation Window a <Back button appears with which you can return to the previous game with the game link.