Entering Moves

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Entering Moves

There are different ways to enter moves.


Entering moves with the keyboard

The numbers you type are shown at the bottom of the Game Window. Press Enter to clear the input. The program expects four numbers. To enter 1-7 type 0107. When four numbers are typed, the program verifies the input. If it’s a legal move it is played immediately. If the move you entered is illegal, you will hear a beep. The input remains on the screen, so you can see what’s wrong with it. Sometimes the begin square and the end square are not enough to identify the move. If this is the case, you will hear a beep and use the Select Move dialog box to select a capture.


Entering moves with the mouse

If you click a piece on the board and there is only one destination square for that piece, the move is played immediately.

If you click an empty square and there is only one piece that can move to that square, the move is played immediately.

In all other situations you have to drag the piece from begin to end square.


Forced captures

After the move has been added, the program checks if there are forced captures. These forced captures are added automatically. If there are multiple ways to capture pieces, you will hear a beep and a list with captures is shown. In this way, you only have to enter the normal moves (the non-capturing moves).

Sometimes forced captures are added which are not played in the game anymore. If this happens, go back in the game until the final position of the game is on the board, then press ] to cut the remaining moves (or right-click the Notation Window and choose Delete > Delete Next Moves).


Move correction

You can take back a move you have entered incorrectly. First, go back to the board position just before the incorrect move was played. Enter a different move and select Insert from the Enter New Move dialog box. The program will retain as many moves as possible so that you don’t have to enter all the moves again.


See Variations for how to add and swap variations.


You can also enter moves by selecting them in the Book Window and the Endgame Window.