Toernooibase Connections File

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Toernooibase Connections File

The Toernooibase Connections File contains connections between the game in Turbo Dambase and the game on Toernooibase.

The name of the file is Toernooibase.tba. It is located in the Turbo Dambase\Toernooibase folder.


The Toernooibase Connections File is automatically updated when you download games of the subscription.


The program uses the Toernooibase Connections File to detect if there is a connection between Turbo Dambase and Toernooibase.

If a connection exists the program can show the database game in Toernooibase.

Use the TB column in the Game List to see if a connection exists.

Connections are only made for games for which Toernooibase has an applet.


The Toernooibase website is created by Piet Bouma (