Game Subscription

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Game Subscription

Help > Game Subscription


Use this dialog box to download updates with new games.




The Year panel (upper left) shows the subscription years. In the example the 2023 subscription consists of 9 updates (parts) with 5160 games in total. Status Subscribed means you have subscription for that year


The Update panel (lower left) show the updates of the year subscription.


The Tournament panel (right) shows the contents of the selected update.


Choose database at the bottom right

At the bottom right the name of the database is displayed to which new games will be added. Press the ... button to select a database.


The possible status of an update:

Loaded: the update is already added to the database.

Not loaded: the update is not yet added to the database.

Subscribed: you are subscribed, but you not have specified the database yet.

Not subscribed: you not have subscription for the updates of this year.


Select Add new games to add the updates with status Not Loaded to the destination database. When finished thes updates will get status Loaded.


Right-click the Update panel to display the context menu:




Select All

To select all updates.

Download Selected Updates

To download the selected updates. They are stored in the Downloads directory.