Instant Analysis Window

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Instant Analysis Window

Engine > Add Instant Analysis


Use this option to add an Instant Analysis Window at the bottom of the Notation Window. First you are asked which engine to use.




When a game is loaded the engine evaluates all moves and shows the scores in a bar chart.


The evaluation is expressed in piece units, always from the point of view of white. A positive evaluation means the engine thinks white has an advantage (green). A negative evaluation means the engine thinks black has an advantage (red). The score belonging to the current move (blue triangle)  is shown at the left bottom of the window.

The value of one piece is 1.00. The y-axis has a max of +4.00 and a min of -4.00. Values greater than or equal to 4.00, or smaller than or equal to -4.00, are shown as yellow bars. Yellow almost always indicate that the engine has found a winning line.


The engine thinks half a second per move by default (500 milliseconds). To change the calc time right-click the Instant Analysis window and choose Set Calc Time. Enter the calc time in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second).