Game List Details Context Menu

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Game List Details Context Menu

Game List | right-click | Details




Set Date

To assign the same date to all selected games. The suggested date is the date of the first selected game.

Set Round

To assign the same round to all selected games. The suggested round is the round of the first selected game.

Set Annotator

To assign the same annotator to all selected games. The suggested annotator is the annotator of the first selected game.

Set Source

To assign the same source to all selected games. The suggested source is the source of the first selected game.

Set Tournament

To assign the same tournament to all selected games. The suggested tournament is the tournament of the first selected game.

Set Game Title

To assign the same game title to all selected games. The suggested game title is the game title of the first selected game.

Set Tags

To assign the same tags to all selected games. The suggested tags are the tags of the first selected game.

Clear Ratings

To erase the ratings from the selected games.

Clear Times

To erase the times from the selected games.

Delete Annotations

Displays the Delete Annotations dialog box to delete annotations from the selected games.