Engine Window Context Menu

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Engine Window Context Menu

Engine Window | right-click



Displays the Load Engine dialog box to select an engine and to set the parameters.

Engine Parameters

Displays the Engine Parameters dialog box to set the engine parameters.


You can lock the engine to a particular position. After that you can move around the game without the engine following. Click again to unlock.


This function show you the immediate threat, i.e. what the opponent could do if no defensive move is made. Click again to go back to “normal mode”.

Scroll Main Line

New lines are added to the end of the list. If this is switched off, new lines overwrite the previous ones.

Extra Search Info

Records evaluation, search depth and number of positions after each main line. Especially useful in combination with scrolling main line.

Copy to Notation

Copies the best variation into the game notation. The programs always adds the variation. It does not check if the variation already exists.

Variation Board

This inserts a small board on which you can play through the main line. Use the buttons below the board to replay the variation. Choose this option again to hide the small board.

Choose Font

To set the font type and size used in the Engine Window.


Closes the Engine Window.