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Game List | right-click | Find > Material


Use this tab to search for material distribution.




Number of pieces

You can specify what material should be on the board. For each white or black piece you can set the minimum and maximum numbers that must appear on the board.

Select Any Pieces to switch on all pieces without having to do this manually for each.

Select No pieces to switch off all pieces without having to do this manually for each.


If the range for white men is set at “3–4” only positions with at least three and at most four white men are retrieved. "1–1" pieces means that exactly one piece of that kind must be present. If you set the range for white kings and black kings at “0-0”, positions with kings will not be retrieved.



When you switch Difference on the values given for black have a different meaning. They denote the difference in material value between white and black.


Equal pieces

Check Equal pieces of you only want positions where white and black has the same number of pieces.


Begin Position Only

Check Begin Position Only if you only want to search the begin position of the game. Example: you want to find all compositions starting with 7 men for white and 7 men for black (miniatures).


Tempo difference

You can use tempo difference to specify the minimum and maximum tempo difference that is allowed in the positions you are looking for. If you specify the tempo difference, the program will only select positions without kings and with the same number of white and black men.



Length refers to the minimum number of consecutive ply (half-moves) the material distribution must be on the board.



Clears the material data.