Game data

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Game data

Game List | right-click | Find > Game data


Use this tab to search on game data.


- All games of Sijbrands:

Player = "Sijbrands".


- White games of Sijbrands:

Player = "Sijbrands" and switch Black off.


- All games between Sijbrands and Wiersma:

Player = "Sijbrands", Opponent = "Wiersma".


- White games of Sijbrands against Wiersma:

Player = "Sijbrands", Opponent = "Wiersma" and switch Black off.


When entering player names you can ask for help. For example, to search all of Gantvarg’s games:

Select Reset all to reset all criteria.

The cursor is in the Player field. Type gant and press F7.

In the players list select Gantvarg and press Enter. Gantvarg is filled in.

Select Ok to retrieve all of Gantvarg’s games.



Enter the name of a tournament. For example Wch (Women) retrieves all games of World championship for women.



Enter the name of an annotator, for example Sijbrands retrieves all games annotated by Ton Sijbrands.



To get games from a particular year or period.



This allows you to search for games from a specific ECO code in conjunction with other criteria, for instance all D20 games played by Ton Sijbrands.



Here you can specify the minimum and maximum lengths of the game you wish to retrieve. Examples:

40-: Search for games which have at least 40 moves.

-20: Search for games which have not more than 20 moves.

24-24: Search for games which have exactly 24 moves.

By combining the criteria result and number of moves, you can find all short games which ended in a victory for white or black.



When you search for the games of players within a certain Rating range (e.g. "2000-2500") you can also determine whether the average rating of both players, that of at least one player or the individual ratings of both players must lie within the given range.

Check Difference to specify the maximum allowed difference between the ratings of the players.



Check the results you want to search for. All results are checked by default. The result "2-0" means only games in which white won, "0-2" only games in which black won and "1-1" only games which ended in a draw.


Any text

Find this text in any of the game data fields: white player, black player, tournament title, white team name, black team name, annotator, source title, game title.



Clears the game data.