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Game List | right-click | Find > Annotations


Use this tab to search for annotations.




Text1, Text2

You can enter two text strings. The program will retrieve all games in which either is contained. All variations, all languages and both text before the move and after the move are considered.


Case sensitive

Differentiates uppercase from lowercase when performing a search.


Whole word

Searches for entire words only. If unchecked, the search string might be found within longer words.


Text before move

If checked the text before the move is searched.


Text after move

If checked the text after the move is searched.



Check the languages you want to search. By default all languages are searched.



Search for games which start from a setup position.


Other criteria

You can search for other criteria such as games which have colored squares and arrows, piece paths, diagrams, variations, any text commentary, any symbols, and games with critical positions.


Any text

Use Any text to find all games with text commentary. If you want to find specific text you should use Text1.


Any symbols

Use Any symbols to find all games with a symbol. If you want to find specific symbols you should use the Symbols tab.



Clears the annotations data.