Playing Against Engine

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Playing Against Engine

Engine > Blitz Game

Engine > Long Game


When you play against the engine the game starts with the current position. Choose between blitz game and long game:


Blitz Game

Long Game


After this the game starts. The clock becomes visible. The clock is not ticking. It starts ticking when the first move is played. You play the side to move. The engine takes the other side.


The caption of the Game Window shows your name and the engine name. Your name is taken from the Options dialog box. If your name is empty the program uses MisterX.


The program waits for you do play the first move. After you play the first move the clock starts ticking. If you want the engine to do the first move choose Engine > Play Now or press the space bar. This swaps the colors and the engine plays the first move.


You can force the engine to play the best move so far by choosing Engine > Play Now.


When the game has finished the game is saved into the database AUTOSAVE. All games you play against the engine are always saved automatically in this database. You can also save the game into the open database.


You can stop playing against the engine anytime by choosing Engine > Infinite Analysis.

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