Tournament - General

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Tournament - General

Edit > Save Game > Players and Result > Tournament Details > General

Tournament List | right-click | Edit > General




The title, place and start year are the most important, because they together makes a tournament unique.



Type in the official name and place of the tournament. On the Place tab you can enter the place (and country).



The year, month and day are for the tournament, not the individual game. Usually the day of the opening ceremony or the first round defines the tournament date. If the exact date is not available you can leave the month and day empty.

The start year is important because it is part of the unique key.



Enter a category between 1 and 99.



Enter the number of rounds.



Here you can specify Round Robin, Swiss system etc.



This should be clicked if you have all the games of a tournament. A tournament marked as complete will have a green check mark in the Tournament List.



This should be clicked for team tournaments.


Time controls

Here you can specify the speed of play (blitz, rapid, normal or correspondence draughts).