Analyzing Games

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Analyzing Games

Engine > Analyze Game

Game List | right-click | Analyze Games


Use this dialog box to set the analysis options.



Calc time

This is the minimum time the engine will spend on a move (in seconds).



Here you specify when the engine should consider a move a mistake. If you enter a high value (e.g. 100 = one piece), then only grave blunders will be considered. If you set a very low value the number of “Better is...” variations will increase.


Value limit

If the game move has a value above this limit, comments from the engine can be omitted. This prevents the following: the engine indicates a move with a value of 6 while the game move has a value of 3. These are usually not relevant variants.


Last move

This sets a limit to the analysis. Analysis always starts at the end of the game and goes backward, ending with this move (i.e. “1" = analyze from move 1 of game).


Select Ok to start analyzing. During analyzing the Analyze dialog box is visible.